IE Vulnerability - Very Dangerours
Hai Nam Luke has discovered a vulnerability in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to conduct phishing attacks.
There is a test (Click to see)to see whether your browser also vulnerable. (I tested it with my IE browser and it failed. But I am helpless, because there is no patch or remedy.)
they are sugesting disabling ActiveX as a solution. But when you disable ActiveX, IE Blocks flash too, hence it is not an efficient solution. I have a smart solution than that. USE FIREFOX!!!!
Safe surfing....
There is a test (Click to see)to see whether your browser also vulnerable. (I tested it with my IE browser and it failed. But I am helpless, because there is no patch or remedy.)
they are sugesting disabling ActiveX as a solution. But when you disable ActiveX, IE Blocks flash too, hence it is not an efficient solution. I have a smart solution than that. USE FIREFOX!!!!
Safe surfing....